AI, AR and VR: disrupting the most important industries and reshaping our everyday lives.

Looking back at the historical outline of technology we notice that inventions such as the computers and internet were not being used on a global scale up until the early 21st century. This recent reliance on the internet has allowed the general public to be connected every second of every day to all worldwide events. In our opinion, this connectivity created the opportunity for further endeavors in the technological revolution. Being connected allowed the sharing of information and created a world reliant on data. Data today is known as one of the most valuable commodities known to mankind. Researchers and entrepreneurs are trying to analyze and use all the data collected to further expand in technology and to improve the user's experience and satisfaction.

Emerging technologies like AI, AR and VR are growing at a very fast pace. The biggest tech companies are investing in heavy capital in research and developments in all of the mentioned fields. The future holds a lot of potentials and this potential is being realized through each and every discovery. If we take a moment to think back year on year any individual can realize how far we’ve come in our technological endeavors. These technologies are disrupting the biggest industries in the world including Healthcare, Education, Gaming, Manufacturing, and Military. To introduce technology and to gain a common understanding we will be briefly defining them one by one.

 Virtual Reality immerses the users in a fully artificial digital environment allowing for more realism in the user's experience. It is required by the user to wear a special headset device. This field of technology really takes the user out of his existing environment and places him in a certain virtual situation, allowing them to move freely from one setting to the other with limited boundaries. Nowadays it is mostly used for gaming purposes but we will publish later in our blog how VR can be also used for other purposes like Education, surgical operations training and even Military training.

Augmented Reality projects virtual objects on the real-world environment allowing a state of perception to play a part in the user’s role. To put it in a better perspective, an example of this is the worldwide famous game PokemonGo where famous players roam around town and try to capture virtual animals that appear in the “real world”. This experience not only enhances the user's experience but promotes an active experience.

Lastly, Artificial Intelligence is an area of computer science that emphasized the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Some of the activities computers with AI are designed for include speech recognition, learning, planning, problem-solving. An example of AI would be a chess game where a machine beats the chess World Champion where in which all rules and moves are fed into the machine. Later on, we will publish articles on how AI can have a huge impact on our daily lives. How AI can improve traffic. How AI can improve healthcare. How AI can improve literally everything. But also, what are the cons of AI in some situations. Can we really rely on this data-driven technology? Do we really want to be defeated by robots?

 Most of the industries are being disrupted by these technologies. We live in an era where everyone should adopt or stay behind. Billions of dollars are being invested in R&D by the biggest investors and tech companies on the planet. If you want to learn more about this digital revolution and on how you can benefit from each technology in your everyday life, please feel free to read our weekly articles where we will show concrete examples that explains how can AR, VR, and AI change the way we live and even the way we think! We know these technologies can get as complex as they sound, but that's our challenge. To make you, our readers, understand these innovations in the simplest possible way. As simple as getting down after a couple of shots of Tech-ila. Stay tuned. 


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